Regular Giving
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give,
not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians
Paying by direct debit couldn’t be easier. Simple go to the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) website the online tools to setup a direct debit or download the form and return to the PGS team or the Church treasurer.
Direct Debit payments are the prefered method regular giving. The payment is collecte by PGS who process the payment, claim the gift aid and pay all the money to the chruch. This means we get a simple monthly payment including gift aid. There is an option to allow your giving to increase each year inline with inflation and means your gift to the church continues to efectivly support the work of the church year after year.
Knowing there is a regular and planned payment comming in each month allows the PCC to plan ahead and gives peace of mind that all bills are covered.
Envelope Scheme
For thoes who do not want to pay via their bank using the standing order system can still commit to regular giving by using the Green Envelope scheme. The scheme provides a series of 52 numbered and dated envelopes and allows a regular weekly amount to be given each Sunday. The use of the envelopes allow the Church to track the giving per Individual for Gift Aid purposes and provide an easy reminder each week for the user.
By completing a gift aid form the Church can claim an additional 25% on top of any donation you make.