Service Themes

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Sunday Services

1st Sunday10.30am Informal all age worship
2nd Sunday10.30am Celebration of Holy Communion
3rd Sunday10.30am Informal all age worship
4th Sunday10.30am Celebration of Holy Communion
5th SundayJoint Benefice Service at one of the churches (see events for details)

If you are visitor we do extend a particularly warm welcome to you and if you would like any help or more information about the church or the services then please speak to one of the welcome team. Back Supports and large print copies of hymns are available. Children are very welcome at any of our services and there are activities available for them. Please check the notices weekly for separate children’s events.

Coffee and Biscuits are served after services and all are welcome.

Other Services

Wednesday & Thursday mornings at 10am Holy Communion here at All Saints

Communion Services on our Facebook page on Wednesdays at 10am and Sundays at 1pm

For streamed services please visit our channel

For Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals contact Rev. Nick Leggett 07925 419068

For further information on all our services please contact our

Churchwarden, Mike Wilks (711516) or Thelma Mawle

Coffee MorningsWednesday
Messy ChurchAs Advertised