All Saints Church Middleton Cheney A Bright light in a dark World Immerse yourself In a beautiful world

Weather Alert – Should the weather become too severe we will post a notice here

All Saints—Update

Due to the high level of Covid cases

in the village at the moment All Saints will not be open tomorrow for private prayer.  

We hope that the number of new cases will continue to go down and will look again at the matter during the coming week with a view to re-opening just as soon as possible.  

Meanwhile, Rev. Nick will continue to stream services from his home to All Saints Facebook page on Sundays at 11am and Wednesday at 10am.

This weekend it will be Mothering Sunday and it will be very different! There will be no church services and many people will not be able to be with their mothers.

The Bishops have designated this day, 22nd March, as a day of prayer. Let us pray not only for mothers but also for our world, for those suffering from the Coronavirus and those who are living in fear and/or isolation.

It has been suggestion that we each light a candle to display in our window as a reminder of Christ, the Light of the World and a light in our darkness.

Hello & Welcome

All Saints Church, Middleton Cheney, is one of a group of eight churches to the east of the town of Banbury. It is part of the Church of England, the largest church grouping in England. At All Saints we have a range of services, Holy Communion twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Sundays and a monthly mid-week Communion. On the other two Sundays the services are more informal. Children are welcome at all our services and we have a baby and toddler friendly area for them to enjoy. The All Age service on the third Sunday of the month is especially aimed at children and we run Messy Church regularly, which is aimed at children from 1 – 10 (though babies are very welcome and older children encouraged to help with the activities). There is also a weekly service during term time for babies
and toddlers with their carers. Check out the ‘Services’ page for more information. We run regular community events, including a weekly coffee morning, and provide a venue for some Village Community Events. Our Rector, Rev Nick Leggett, is helping us to develop new ideas for our work with the wider community and with the other churches locally. This autumn we will be playing a leading part in the events to mark the end of the Great War and starting a uniformed group for young people. We aim to keep you informed of all that goes on at All Saints and this website is a major platform for disseminating information. It is a work in progress and we hope you will bear with us as we get it up and running.

William Morris

at Middleton Cheney

The Stained Glass in All Saints Church

Here at All Saints, we understand the importance of protecting children and vulnerable adults from harm and a safeguarding culture underpins every aspect of our church life. Please click here to see our policy, procedures and code of practice. If you have any concerns or queries please contact Rev Nick Leggett on 07925 419068 or our Safeguarding Officer, Alison Andrews.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, (Diocese of Peterborough) is Victoria Kellett Email:
Further Infomation
Rev Nick Leggett

Rev Nick Leggett


Nick moved into Middleton Cheney in December 2017 with his family while concluding his ministry in Coventry, having previously worked in the Royal Mail in south London. This is his fourth posting as a priest within his third diocese – he is also a chaplain with both the Air Training Corp and an officer within the Royal Army Chaplain’s Deparment, serving with the Warwickshire Army Cadets. Father Nick, as he is often known, brings a wide range of skills and is already working within the wider community and the Benefice on a range of initiatives.

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Mothering Sunday

Mothering Sunday

March 21, 2020

Today is Mothering Sunday, or Lent 4, and most of you would be thinking about where to take your mums for dinner. Sadly, that won’t be the case this year as we begin to understand what is coming our way.

Our Next Event


Monday 25th December

Our Next Event


Friday 18th – Sunday 20th March

Our Next Event


Sunday 8th October


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